MMP013: A Conversation with Senior Pastor, Thad King

Welcome to Episode 13! This week’s conversation is with Thad King.


Thad is the Founding and Senior Pastor of Pierpoint Church in Huntington Beach, CA.  Thad was my mentor between 1998-2002 when I was in college and a recent graduate, and today, a dear friend.  I’m excited to share one of my mentors with you today.

Links Mentioned:

Lighting Round Notes:

  • Books:
  • Quotes:
    • “We are all sinners in need of a Savior.”
      • Both a Challenge & Encouragement to us

To Connect with Thad:

Do you have a question you’d like me to ask a ministry leader in a future conversation or a question you would like to ask me?  Send your questions to

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Next Week: My conversation with Ben McSpadden, Associate Pastor at Hope Church

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